Welcome to the CDLA membership directory. You may search our membership database by city and practice area, last name, or firm name. Select your search criteria and click on the "Search" button.
We ask that CDLA members review their listing information for accuracy, and contact us with any changes or additions.
If you would like to search for an attorney on the Western Slope who practices construction defense, select "Western Slope" from the region list, and "Construction Defense" from the practice area list, then click on the search button. All members in Denver who practice employment and labor law will be displayed on the next screen.
Search by Region and Practice Area
If you would like to search for an attorney in Denver who practices employment and labor law, select "Denver" from the city list, and "Employment and Labor Law" from the practice area list, then click on the search button. All members in Denver who practice employment and labor law will be displayed on the next screen.
Search by City and Practice Area
If you would like to search for a member with the last name of "Smith", select "Last Name" from the search type, and enter "Smith" in the search term box, then click on the search button. All members with the last name of Smith will be displayed on the next screen.
Search by Last Name or Firm Name
April 3, 2025, 8:00 AM
through April 5, 2025,
Practicum organized by:
Gregg Rich, Coombe Curry Rich & Jarvis
Limited to 18 participants
Applied for 29 hours+ 1 Ethics credit.
To Learn More and to Register, Click Here
April 8, 2025, 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
How do you get past that feeling of paralysis when facing your computer screen to try to improve upon a new project? This CLE will provide you with advanced composition and editing tools necessary to persuasive ethical legal writing.
To Register, Click Here
April 24, 2025, 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Looking to sharpen your litigation skills and grow your network? Join new lawyers from both the Colorado Trial Lawyers Association (CTLA) and the Colorado Defense Lawyers Association (CDLA) on Thursday, April 24
To Learn More and to Register, Click Here
July 31, 2025, 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Get ready for a day of camaraderie, competition, and breathtaking scenery! Our annual CDLA golf outing is scheduled for Thursday, July 31, 2025, at the stunning Ironbridge Golf Club in Glenwood Springs
To Register, Click Here
July 31, 2025, 5:30 PM
through August 2, 2025,
Book your room here!
July 31, 2025, 5:30 PM
through August 2, 2025,
Book your room here!